25 years after the Roman Instruction on the collaboration of the laity in the ministry of priests

The reception of Peter Hünermann as a prophetic and stimulating theological service



Ministeriality, Church, Vatican Council II, Laity, Roman Curia


The contribution proposes the critical reflection that Peter Hünermann opportunely offered on the presuppositions and some of the themes developed in the Interdicasterial Instruction of the Roman Curia on the collaboration of the laity in the ordained ministry. After situating the theological-pastoral context immediately preceding the publication of the Roman text, the relevance of this text as a controversial and distorting emergent with respect to the perspectives opened up by the Second Vatican Council on the subject is shown. This is followed by Hünermann's analysis of two provisions of the Roman Instruction, on the one hand the article on the ministry of the Word and the homily, and on the other hand the article on the apostolate to the sick. The final reflections justify Hünermann's assessment of his own theological service.

Author Biography

  • Alejandro Mingo, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Unidad Asociada Universidad Católica de Córdoba-CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina

    Alejandro Mingo es Doctor en Teología Dogmática (Tübingen, Alemania). Director Proyecto de Investigación: "El abuso sexual de menores en la Iglesia. Crisis y oportunidad de reforma" (2019-2022). Secretario de Investigación de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba (2015-2022). Director Maestría en Filosofía, Religión y Cultura Contemporánea (UCC, 2015-2021). Presidente del Consejo Córdoba ICALA (Intercambio Cultural Alemán-Latinoamericano). Autor de publicaciones de artículos académicos, partes de libros, presentaciones en eventos.


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How to Cite

25 years after the Roman Instruction on the collaboration of the laity in the ministry of priests: The reception of Peter Hünermann as a prophetic and stimulating theological service. (2023). Erasmus. Revista Para El diálogo Intercultural, 25. https://qellqasqa.com.ar/ojs/index.php/erasmus/article/view/661