What does Communicative Action Theory mean for contexts of the Americas in movement?



Habermas’ theory is born in contexts in movement. The specific contexts of National Socialism and the subsequent reaffirmation of German identity indicate ruptures in traditional categories. The revival of critical theory influences Habermas thinking. The central point refers to the will of the majority. With the theory of communicative action, Habermas proposes a model of universal deliberation, rejecting majority rule. The binding force of the general will possesses an impersonal and impartial character. This it typical of hierarchical societies. Justifications refer to universal pragmatics, thus avoiding the tyranny of the minority., Universalism, Volunté générale, Rational Consensus


Habermas’ theory is born in contexts in movement. The specific contexts of National Socialism and the subsequent reaffirmation of German identity indicate ruptures in traditional categories. The revival of critical theory influences Habermas’ thinking. The central point refers to the will of the majority. With the Theory of Communicative Action, Habermas proposes a model of universal deliberation, rejecting majority rule. The binding force of the general will possess an impersonal and impartial character. This is typical of hierarchical societies. Justifications refer to universal pragmatics, thus avoiding the tyranny of the minority.


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How to Cite

What does Communicative Action Theory mean for contexts of the Americas in movement?. (2023). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 8. http://qellqasqa.com.ar/ojs/index.php/eyd/article/view/619

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