About the Journal
Aim and Scope
Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural is the international academic journal of the ICALA Foundation (Intercambio Cultural Alemán-Latinoamericano), based in Río Cuarto, Córdoba Province, Argentina. The concept of the journal focuses on a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis and critical discussion of the economic, social, political, ethical and religious challenges of the contemporary world. Through conceptual, historical and methodological analyses as well as contributions from the social sciences and humanities, and also from philosophical and theological reflection, the journal Erasmus aims to help shape academic discourse and public debates in a relevant way by making known and encouraging reflection on the historical and cultural reality of Latin America and its relations with other historical and cultural spheres.
The name of the journal refers to Erasmus of Rotterdam (1467-1536), a pioneer of humanism in the first third of the 16th century and a tireless advocate of peace, tolerance and intellectual freedom. He was a pioneer of clear thinking, good diction and right action. He fought to make this world a home for all. The ICALA Foundation embraces the central ideas of this great humanist.
The journal especially invites researchers from the humanities and social sciences to support this publication by submitting articles, reviews and translations.
Original papers will be accepted for publication in Spanish, Portuguese, German, English, French and Italian.
Papers must not have been submitted to other journals for publication. In case of partial publication in another academic medium, the original publication should be indicated. New versions of papers once submitted for publication will not be accepted. Contributions must comply with the publication guidelines contained in the conditions of publication.
By submitting a contribution, the author declares his/her agreement with the editorial rules and his/her commitment to the basic principles of academic publication ethics.
Scientific Editorial Management (The information will be completed shortly)
Responsible editor:
Dorando J. Michelini - Fundación Intercambio Cultural Alemán-Latinoamericano (ICALA), Argentina –
e-mail: michelini.rio@gmail.com
Deputy editor: Diego Fonti - Universidad Católica de Córdoba; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Técnicas y Científicas (CONICET), Argentina –
e-mail: diegofonti@gmail.com
Editorial Advisory Board
Celia Basconzuelo - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Técnicas y Científicas (CONICET), Argentina -
e-mail: cbasconzuelo2003@yahoo.com.ar
Marcelo Bonyuan Fundación Intercambio Cultural Alemán-Latinoamericano (ICALA),
e-mail: marcelo_bon@hotmail.com
Maria Noelia Galetto Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC), Argentina
mail: noeliagaletto@hotmail.com
Santiago Peppino - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC), Argentina
e-mail: sepeppino@gmail.com
Graciana Pérez Zavala - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Técnicas y Científicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC), Universidad Nacional de Villa María (UNVM), Argentina
e-mail: gracianapz@gmail.com
Jutta H. Wester - Fundación Intercambio Cultural Alemán-Latinoamericano (ICALA), Argentina
e-mail: juttawester@gmail.com
Layout: Daniela B. Michelini - e-mail: danielamichelini@gmail.com
Issue coordinators
Each issue may have one or two coordinators who will be appointed for this task by the Editors and/or the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal. Their task is to invite contributors, pre-select possible contributions and make a first review of compliance with the formal guidelines for editing.
Scientific Advisory Board
Adriana Arpini (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Técnicas y Científicas (CONICET), Argentina,
e-mail: aarpini@mendoza-conicet.gob.ar
Julieta M. Bareiro - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Técnicas y Científicas (CONICET), Argentina,
Adrián Bertorello - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Técnicas y Científicas (CONICET), Argentina,
e-mail: adrianbertorello@gmail.com
Horacio Cerutti Guldberg - Universidad Autónoma de México, México,
Adela Cortina - Universidad de Valencia, Fundación ETNOR (Ética de los negocios y de las organizaciones), España,
e-mail: adela.cortina@uv.es
Jorge Raúl De Miguel - Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina,
e-mail: jrdemiguel51@gmail.com
Margit Eckholt - Universidad de Osnabrück, Alemania
e-mail: meckholt@uni-osnabrueck.de
Maximiliano Figueroa-Muñoz - Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile, Chile,
e-mail: maximiliano.figueroa@uai.cl
Javier Flax - Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS); Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina,
e-mail: jflax@campus.ungs.edu.ar
Ángel Garrido Maturano (Universidad del Nordeste, CONICET, Argentina)
e-mail: hieloypuna@hotmail.com
Paula Juárez - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Técnicas y Científicas (CONICET), Argentina
e-mail: mpaulajuarez@gmail.com
Matthias Kettner (Universidad de Herdecke, Alemania)
e-mail: matthias.kettner@uni-wh.de
César Lambert-Ortiz – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile)
e-mail: cesar.lambert@pucv.cl
Enrique Muñoz - Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile,
e-mail: emunozpe@uc.cl
Alejandro Pelfini - Universidad del Salvador; Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Argentina,
e-mail: pelfini.alejandro@usal.edu.ar
Pablo Salvat Bologna - Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile, Chile,
e-mail: pablosalvatb@gmail.com
History of the journal
Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural was created in 1999 by Professors Dorando J. Michelini, Carlos Pérez Zavala (1931 - 2013) and Gustavo Ortiz (1941-2014), scholarship holders of the German institutions Stipendienwerk Lateinamerika-Deutschland, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) and Deutscher Katholischer Ausländerdienst (KAAD).
In March 1983, an advisory board of the Stipendienwerk Lateinamerika-Deutschland was established in Río Cuarto, initially as a non-profit scientific and cultural association, and later, since 1997, under the name of the ICALA Foundation. The Foundation has as its legal status (registration number in the Register of Legal Entities of Public Utility of the Córdoba Province, Argentina - 333 "A"/03), and its headquarters at 850 Mendoza Street in the city of Río Cuarto. Its founding members are Professors Dorando J. Michelini, Carlos Pérez Zavala and Jutta H. Wester. The ICALA Foundation has the profile of a scientific and cultural institution that contributes to the public discussion of relevant current problems, making known and encouraging reflection on the historical and cultural reality of Latin America and its relations with other historical and cultural spheres. Its regular activities include the organisation of annual conferences, the publication of research results and theses and, since 1999, the publication of Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural.
The 2023 edition marks 25 years of regular publication. Erasmus has been published in printed form every six months since 1999. From 2016 it also has been published in digital form, and from 2023 onward, as a continuous digital publication of a single volume that it is completed at the end of each calendar year.
Double-blind peer review process
To ensure the quality of the contributions, Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural subjects the contributions to a double-blind peer review process.
Papers received are first subjected to a preliminary evaluation by one of the Editors or a member of the journal's Editorial Advisory Board (within three weeks of receipt). This process determines whether the paper is consistent with the priorities of Erasmus.
If the analysis is satisfactory, the Editor ensures that the paper does not contain metadata or other references that could reveal the author's identity and then sends it to two external reviewers.
At the different stages of evaluation and editing, Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural reviews the articles to ensure that they do not contain plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or other practices that violate the ethics of scientific research and publication.
- Original articles:
If this first instance of evaluation by the Editorial Advisory Board is passed, the original articles are sent to two external reviewers (double-blind system).
In selecting the reviewers, primary consideration will be given to their demonstrated expertise in the field, as well as their scientific career and evidence of continued scientific and academic activity.
Within 30 days of acceptance of the review papers, reviewers must complete a form indicating any suggestions or corrections deemed necessary and providing justification for them, if any. The review criteria are as follows:
- The paper represents an original and/or significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge.
- The linguistic formulation of the article is clear and coherent, and its argumentation is appropriate.
- The article is characterized by correct handling and interpretation of documentary sources and data.
- The bibliographical references are sufficient and/or relevant.
- The abstract adequately reflects the content of the paper.
- The keywords accurately define the subject matter of the paper.
Finally, a statement should be made with the following options:
1) The article can be published without changes.
2) The article can be published with the proposed changes,
3) The article cannot be published.
If changes are proposed, the authors may or may not agree to them, and the final decision on the publication of the contribution rests with the Editorial Board.
In the case of papers accepted for publication with changes, the paper goes through a second round of evaluation of the appropriate corrections, conducted by one of the journal Editors.
If the paper has received different ratings (worthy of publication and not worthy of publication), one of the Editors may refer the paper to a third reviewer or, after consultation with a member of the Scientific Advisory Board, decide whether or not to publish the paper.
The author will be notified of the outcome of the review process within one week of the final decision.
The Editors will decide whether it is appropriate to forward the reviewers' comments to the authors.
- Translations
Translations are subject to the same quality guidelines as articles in the Articles section; however, they are reviewed internally by an Editor and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board or Scientific Advisory Board. They may also be prepared by members of the journal itself. In all cases, they are additionally evaluated by a specialist in the original language of the text.
- Book reviews
The same quality guidelines apply to reviews as to contributions in the Articles section; however, the reviewing is done internally, by an Editor and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board or the Scientific Advisory Board.
- Special contributions
The Editors and the Editorial Advisory Board may request contributions from high-profile authors. These may be articles, essays or research reports, conferences, and/or academic papers appropriate to the purposes of the journal. Special contributions are subject to the same quality guidelines as contributions to the Articles section; however, review is conducted internally by an Editor and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board or the Scientific Advisory Board.
Frequency of publication
Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural publishes in a continuous format and closes one volume every end of the calendar year.
Approved articles are published immediately, at any time of the year.
The call for papers is permanent.
Registration in the journal is open and free of charge.
Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate open access to its contents and adheres to the principles of Open Science (https://amelica.org/) in the belief that open public access to research helps to improve and accelerate the global exchange of knowledge.
Code of Ethics
Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural adheres to the ethical standards and plagiarism detection suggested by the COPE Publication Ethics Committee (http://publicationethics.org).
Proper use of the OJS platform, compliance with the OAI-PMH protocol and care in loading author and text metadata ensure interoperability and quality of the data generated by this publication.
Data preservation
Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural implements a data preservation policy based on automatic backups by the website hosting service and monthly backups.
ICALA Foundation (German–Latin American Cultural Exchange)
Recognized as a non-profit foundation by the Province of Córdoba, Argentina Republic–Personería Jurídica 333 "A"/03.
Mailing adress: Mendoza 850 – 5800 Río Cuarto, Rep. Argentina
Webpage: https://www.icala.org.ar/