Current paradigms of democracy
Balance and projections in the Latin American context
Arturo Roig, Deliberative politics, Jürgen Habermas, Morale of the emergency, Theories of democracyAbstract
This article discusses the paradigms of democracy presented in some contemporary theories of political philosophy, comparing in particular the different positions stemming from different contexts in Europe and Latin America.
First, Jürgen Habermas' proposal is examined with regard to his distinction between two models of democracy, the liberal and the republican, which he contrasts with a complementary overcoming position from the perspective of deliberative politics. In particular, he refers to the political decision-making processes in the individual models, which not only represent ideal types, but also have their expression in political manifestations of contemporary societies.
In a second moment, their adaptation to the social and political processes developing in the Latin American context is analyzed, mainly based on what the surplus of a participatory democracy means, which is seen as a regulatory ideal of discourses and practices. Concerning this topic, Arturo Roig's ethical and political philosophy proposals are taken up, especially in the assumptions involved in his postulate of a morality of emergency.
As an overcoming response to the challenges posed by the recurring crises in today's world, the importance of the progressive realization of participatory democracy and active citizenship is reaffirmed to promote processes of social change aimed at the realization of a life in common, which is threatened by the individualistic tendencies of our time.
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