New challenges for a deliberative democracy: fake news and lawfare


  • Javier Flax Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS) Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


Deliberative democracy, Institutional conditions, Slander and insults, Fake news, Lawfare


Fake news is currently one of the greatest obstacles to deliberation within the framework of democracy, as it distorts discussions, erodes trust, undermines democratic legitimacy and prevents consensus between sectors that could reach agreement on the priorities of the public agenda. If at the global level their spread is facilitated by new digital technologies, in our country there are also legal and institutional conditions that facilitate them: media concentrations and the decriminalization of slander and insult. In addition to the need for new regulations to guarantee the informational balance, it is necessary to reintroduce criminal sanctions in the measure in which "real malice" is demonstrated, which is verified in lawfare operations that are diluted, but previously generate the sought-after damage. In terms of Thomas' Theorem, if something is believed to be real, even if it were not, its consequences will be real.

Author Biography

  • Javier Flax, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS) Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Doctor in Philosophy of Law from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. Regular professor and researcher at the National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS) in the subjects "Philosophy of Law", "Law and media economics" and at the UBA regular professor of "Introduction to Scientific Thought". He was director of the Specialization Course in Political Philosophy and is coordinator of the Philosophy career, both from the UNGS. He taught postgraduate courses in Argentina and abroad. He is the author of The Trapped Democracy. A critique of decisionism; Ethics, politics and the market. Around neoliberal fictions; Scientific policy, interdiscipline and human rights, among other specialized publications among which are “Insufficiency of political representation” and “Decisionism revisited”.


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How to Cite

New challenges for a deliberative democracy: fake news and lawfare. (2020). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 5, 1-23.