About the Instrumentalization of the Self. Techniques of the Self and Autonomous Instrumentalism


  • Mario Osella Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina


Instrumentalismo autónomo, Instrumentalismo heterónomo, Ascética, Creencias, Repetición


In spite of the differences that may exist between the different positions that are dedicated to the study of techniques of the self (or ascetics, as an organized, systematized program of techniques of the self) it is generally assumed that the techniques are understood from a non-technical reality. Religion, philosophy, and politics give meaning to the techniques of self. In this paper we reverse the relationship, making technique the measure of ascetic practice; and this under the pre-supposition that techniques (of whatever kind) are never docile, and always, in one way or another, and with their internal logic, reconfigure the process of which they are a part.

Author Biography

  • Mario Osella, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina
    Doctor of Philosophy from the National University of Río Cuarto (UNRC). Lecturer in charge of the subjects "Philosophy of technology" and "History of modern philosophy" (English and French) at the same university. For about fifteen years he has directed a research project on Philosophy and the history of technical concepts. Currently his research is oriented to the study of self-techniques. Author (and in other cases editor) of several books, particularly on the philosophy of technique.


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How to Cite

About the Instrumentalization of the Self. Techniques of the Self and Autonomous Instrumentalism. (2020). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 5, 1-22. https://qellqasqa.com.ar/ojs/index.php/eyd/article/view/396