Skepticism and criticism of meaning


  • Jon Hellesnes University of Tromsø, Noruega.


Critique of meaning, Epistemological skepticism, Transcendental pragmatics


This article aims to be a contribution to the discussion of modes of critique of meaning and argues for the thesis according to which the impulse to skepticism is valuable because it motivates the critique of meaning and can prevent intellectual stagnation. With this in mind, it analyses the problem of skepticism in analytical philosophy, compares skepticism with Donald Davidson's criticism of meaning, confronts skepticism with transcendental pragmatics, and assumes to prove self-generated absurdity as a critique of ideology.

Author Biography

  • Jon Hellesnes, University of Tromsø, Noruega.
    Mitglied der norwegischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Oslo und der Royal Norwegian Society of Science in Trondheim.


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How to Cite

Skepticism and criticism of meaning. (2020). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 2(1), 93-106.