Postsecularism, religion and argumentative discourse. Deliberative democracy and the problem of the translation of religious discourse in the framework of Habermasian post-secularism


  • Jorge R. De Miguel Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina.


Solidaridad, Legitimidad, Ética del discurso, Cociedad global


The article deals with the normative notion of solidarity and its contribution to the legitimacy of a democratic global policy. The contributions of Brunkhorst and other authors are presented critically, emphasizing the transformations that the ideas of democracy and solidarity must undergo at the global level. With all this and, in particular, with the perspective of discursive ethics, the aim is to show that the state and evolution of the legal framework of international relations oblige to reaffirm their ethical dimension and to overcome the narrow focus of the particular interests of global actors.


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How to Cite

Postsecularism, religion and argumentative discourse. Deliberative democracy and the problem of the translation of religious discourse in the framework of Habermasian post-secularism. (2020). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 4(1), 85-95.