About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Ética y discurso is the scientific Journal of the Discourse Ethics International Network (RED).It is built throughout the year and it comes out annually as a continuous publication. The aim of the journal is to promote the exchange of information and contributions on discourse ethics, transcendental pragmatics, universal pragmatics, the theory of deliberative democracy as well as on general problems in the field of ethics and practical philosophy.
The journal has an international outreach and is open to all philosophical orientations and to interdisciplinary dialogue with the sciences. The original articles are published in the following languages: Spanish, German, French, English, Italian or Portuguese. The papers should be original contributions from a historical and/or systematic perspective and be a relevant source of information and critical reflection in the academic field and for philosophical research.
Scientific Editorial Management
Responsible editor: Dorando J. Michelini (Fundación ICALA, Argentina) – michelini.rio@gmail.com
Deputy editor: Gonzalo Scivoletto (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina) – scivolettog@gmail.com
Editorial Advisory Board
Marcelo Bonyuan (Fundación ICALA, Argentina) - marcelo_bon@hotmail.com
Andrés Crelier (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, CONICET, Argentina) – andrescrelier@gmail.com
Diego Fonti (Universidad Católica de Córdoba, CONICET, Argentina) - diegofonti@gmail.com
Carlos Ignacio Giuffré (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, España) - ignacio.giuffre@upf.edu
Linda Lovelli (Universitá degli Studi di Genova, Italia) – linda.lovelli@gmail.com
Laura Molina Molina (Universidad de Granada, España) – lauramolina@ugr.es
Leandro Paolicchi (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, CONICET, Argentina) – leandropaolicchi@yahoo.com
Santiago Peppino (Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina) - sepeppino@gmail.com
Santiago Prono (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, CONICET, Argentina) – santiagoprono@gmail.com
Gustavo Salerno (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, CONICET, Argentina) – gustavosalerno1@gmail.com
Gerardo Tovar (Qellqasqa Editorial, Argentina) – editorial@qellqasqa.com.ar
Jutta Wester (Fundación ICALA, Argentina) - juttawester@gmail.com
Scientific Advisory Board
Dorothea Apel (Centro Filosófico Internacional Karl-Otto Apel, Italy) -dorotheaapel@gmail.com
Adriana Arpini (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, CONICET, Argentina) - aarpini@mendoza-conicet.gob.ar
Adrián Bertorello (Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET, Argentina) - adrianbertorello@gmail.com
Michele Borrelli (Università della Calabria, Italy) - borrelli.michele@yahoo.it
María Elena Candioti (Fundación Intercambio Cultural Alemán-Latinoamericano, Argentina) - mecandioti@fibertel.com.ar
Jesús Conill (Universidad de Valencia, Spain) - jesus.conill@uv.es
Adela Cortina (Fundación ETNOR, Spain) - adela.cortina@uv.es
Alberto Mario Damiani (Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET, Argentina) - damial@filo.uba.ar
Raúl De Miguel (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina) - jrdemiguel51@gmail.com
Maximiliano Figueroa Muñoz (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile) - maximiliano.figueroa@uai.cl
Javier Flax (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina) - javierflax1@gmail.com
Draiton Gonzaga de Souza (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil) - draiton@pucrs.br
Reinhard Hesse (Pädagogische Hochschule, Freiburg, Germany) - hesse@ph-freiburg.de
Daniel Kalpokas (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, CONICET, Argentina) - dkalpokas@gmail.com
Matthias Kettner (Universität Witten-Herdecke, Germany) - kettner@uni-wh.de
Wolfgang Kuhlmann (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Universität, Aachen, Germany) - wolfgang.kuhlmann@gmail.com
Cristina Lafont (Northwestern University, United States) - clafont@northwestern.edu
César Lambert Ortiz (Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile) - clambert@ucm.cl
Guillermo Lariguet (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, CONICET, Argentina) -glariguet@yahoo.com
José Luis López de Lizaga (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) - lizaga@unizar.es
Virginio Marzocchi (Università degli Studi di Roma, Italy) - virginio.marzocchi@uniroma1.it
Enrique Muñoz (Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile) - envlamupe@yahoo.com
Juan Antonio Nicolás (Universidad de Granada, Spain) - jnicolas@ugr.es
Audun Öfsti (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Norway) - audun.ofsti@ntnu.no
Konrad Ott (Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany) - ott@phil-sem.uni-kiel.de
Alejandro Pelfini (Universidad del Salvador, FLACSO, Argentina) - pelfini.alejandro@usal.edu.ar
Stefano Petrucciani (Università degli Studi de Roma, Italy) - petrucciani@tin.it
Alessandro Pinzani (Universidade Federale de Santa Catarina, Brasil) – alepinzani@gmail.com
Cristina Reigadas (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) - cristinareigadas@gmail.com
Pablo Salvat Bologna (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile) - psalvat@uahurtado.cl
Hans Schelkshorn (Universität Wien, Österreich) - johann.schelkshorn@univie.ac.at
Paulo Soethe (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil) - soethe@bsi.com.br
Juan Carlos Velasco (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) - jc.velasco@csic.es
Fernando José Vergara Henríquez (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile) - fvergara@ucm.cl
History of the Journal
Ética y Discurso is the Scientific Journal of the Discourse Ethics International Network (RED).
The creation of RED dates back to the annual colloquia on discourse ethics organized by the ICALA Foundation in Rio Cuarto, Argentina, since 2006. Several researchers from Latin America, Germany and Spain have participated in these annual colloquia. The colloquia were partly supported by renowned scientific foundations from Germany, such as the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and from Argentina, such as the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and the Fondo para la Investigación científica y tecnológica, Agencia Nacional de promoción Científica y Tecnológica (FONCyT).
As a result of the dialogue between the participants in these colloquia the Discourse Ethics International Network was created. RED aims to promote academic discussion and exchanges at an international level between researchers working in the field of discourse ethics and related topics. The network was founded on November 4, 2011 at the headquarters of the ICALA Foundation under the patronage of the internationally renowned German professors Jürgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel.
Since 2016, RED has been publishing a scientific online journal: Ética y Discurso (ISSN 2525-1090). Between 2016 and 2019, the journal was published semi-annually, and from 2020 onward, as a continuous publication of a single volume that it is completed at the end of each calendar year.
Double Blind Peer Review Process
To ensure the quality of the contributions, Ética y Discurso Journal subjects them to a double-blind peer review process.
The contributions received are first subjected to a preliminary evaluation by an editor or a member of the journal's Editorial Advisory Board (within three weeks of receipt) to determine whether the work is in line with Ética y Discurso's priorities. It is also subjected to an anti-plagiarism analysis using an online service. If the analysis is satisfactory, the editor will ensure that the document does not contain metadata or other references that could reveal the author's identity, and will then send it to two external reviewers specialized in the subject.
The selection of reviewers will be based primarily on proven expertise in the subject area as well as their trajectory and their continuous scientific and academic activity.
The submission for evaluation is done via the OJS platform and includes:
- the assignment of a special evaluation form for each section of the Journal and
- a deadline for returning the evaluation report within four weeks from the date of acceptance of the work to be evaluated.
In the forms, the evaluator is asked to indicate any suggestions or corrections that he considers necessary and to give reasons for these if necessary:
- The article represents an original contribution and/or an advance in knowledge of the topic.
- The linguistic formulation of the article is clear and coherent, its argumentation is adequate.
- The article shows a correct handling and interpretation of the documentary sources and data.
- The bibliographical references are sufficient and/or appropriate.
- The abstract adequately expresses the content of the paper.
- The keywords define the subject of the paper precisely.
Finally, a statement should be made with the following options:
- The article can be published without changes.
- The article can be published with changes.
- The article cannot be published.
In the case of articles accepted for publication with modifications, the contribution goes through a second round of evaluation of the specific corrections, which are carried out by one of the editors of the journal.
In case the contribution has obtained divergent evaluations (publishable and non-publishable), the Editor or the Deputy Editor can send it to a third evaluator or decide to publish it or not, after consulting a member of the Scientific Advisory Board.
Regardless of the outcome of the evaluation process, the author will be informed of the final decision within one week. Authors can be informed about the reviewers' comments or simply about the result.
Frequency of publication
From 2020, Ética y Discurso Journal will be published in a continuous format and will complete a volume at the end of each year. The schedule begins on the first working day in March and ends on the last working day in November of each year. Articles accepted for publication are published immediately and at any time. The call for contributions is continuous. Registration in the journal is open and free of charge.
Open Access policy
This journal offers immediate open access to its contents and adheres to the principles of Open Science in the belief that open public access to research helps to improve and accelerate the global exchange of knowledge.
Code of Ethics
This publication follows the White Paper on Publication Ethics of the Council of Science Editors.
Proper use of the OJS platform, compliance with the OAI-PMH protocol and care in loading author and text metadata ensure interoperability and quality of the data generated by this publication.
Data preservation
Ética y Discurso implements a data preservation policy based on automatic backups by the website hosting service and monthly backups.
Discourse Ethics International Network (RED)
ICALA Foundation
(German–Latin American Cultural Exchange)
Recognized as a non-profit foundation by the Province of Córdoba, Argentina Republic–Personería Jurídica 333 "A"/03.