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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Submissions

Before starting the submission process, authors must register on the journal's platform and complete their profile:

- Curriculum vitae of 100 to 150 words (highest academic title obtained; current academic position; line of research. Most important recent publications).

- Institutional affiliation.

- ORCID Identifier (recommended to validate academic data uniquely and permanently).



During the submission process, you will be asked to provide the following information:

- Title of the contribution in the original language and its translation into English (if this was not the original language). If the original language of the article is not Spanish, a Spanish translation will be provided in addition to the English translation.

- Abstract (between 100 and 150 words) in the original language and its translation into English (if this was not the original language). The abstract should include information on: a brief statement of the topic and the problem underlying the article; steps taken to solve the problem; main results. If the original language of the article is not Spanish, a Spanish translation will be provided in addition to the English translation.

- 3 to 5 keywords describing the work in the original language and their translation into English (if this was not the original language). The keywords may consist of several words, in which case only the first word should begin with a capital letter. If the original language of the article is not Spanish, a Spanish translation must be submitted in addition to the English translation.

- The submitted article must not include any identification of the author. Therefore, please follow the instructions to Ensure anonymous peer review.

The platform will send an automatic acknowledgement of receipt to the authors.


Submissions must meet the following Publication Guidelines:

In terms of correctness, style and non-discriminatory language Erasmus adheres to the recognized standards (see for example:,

Format: Use Arial font, 12 pt, with 1.5 line spacing. Do not use any other format and send the manuscript left-justified, without hyphens, tabs or indentations.

Foreign words: italicize foreign words, but not the names of organizations and places (e.g., Organization of American States, Founding of the City of Buenos Aires, etc.).

Quotation marks: double or single quotation marks are used, depending on whether they mark the direct quotation of another author's words (“...”) or a quotation within a quotation or explain the meaning of a term ('...'). Angular marks («…») are used only if they appear within a quoted text of another author).


Abbreviations: Write them out in full the first time you mention them (followed by the abbreviation in parentheses). Very common abbreviations are excluded.

Changes and omissions: [...] within quotations should be represented by square brackets [squares].


Guidelines for citations

The Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural has adopted the author-date system of the APA Guidelines (7th edition, 2020).

For general information on the APA standards, see see for example:

Each cited source must appear in the bibliography, and each entry in the bibliography must be cited in the text (or in a table, figure, footnote, or appendix).

Verbatim citations of authors and field studies, as well as transcriptions of interviews, should be enclosed in quotation marks (without italics, boldface, or underlining).

Short quotations within the text should adhere to the following form: (author's last name, year). Example: (Habermas, 1998). When citing text, the page (Habermas, 1998, p. 45) or the first and last pages (Habermas, 1998, pp. 45-47) should be given.

Annotations are automatically created as footnotes.

Images, graphs, photographs, and illustrations are placed in the text where they are annotated and numbered according to the order in which they appear.

The list of references is not generated automatically. It should be placed at the end of the main body of the text in alphabetical order without numbering, tabulation, or bullets.

Examples for references according to APA guidelines


Articles in scientific journals

In the text: (Hösle, 1986, p. 236)

In the bibliography: Hösle, V. (1986). Transcendental pragmatics as a Fichteanism of intersubjectivity. Journal of Philosophical Research, 40, 235-252.


In text: (Griffin, 1978, pp. 235-236).

In bibliography: Griffin, D. (1978). Prospects for a cognitive ethology. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1(4), 527-538.


Newspaper article

In-text: (Carey, 2019)

In bibliography: Carey, B. (2019, March 22), Can We Get Better at Forgetting?. The New York Times. (13-10-2010).


In-text: (Natanson, 2015).

In bibliography: Natanson, J. (2015, October 3). Normalidad como excepción. Le Monde diplomatique, 196.



In text: (Kuhlmann, 1985).

In the bibliography: Kuhlmann, W. (1985). Reflexive Letztbegründung. Freiburg, Munich: Alber.


In the text: (Apel, Hösle & Simon-Schaefer, 1998).

In the bibliography: K.-O. Apel, V. Hösle, and R. Simon-Schaefer (Eds.) (1998). Globalisierung. Herausforderung für die Philosophie Bamberg: Universitäts-Verlag.


Book chapter with editor

In text: (Mouffe, 2004, p. 49).

In bibliography: Mouffe, Ch. (2004). Pluralism, dissensus and democratic citizenship. In F. Inglis (Ed.), Education and the Good Society (pp. 42-53). London: Palgrave Macmillan.


-Dictionary entry

In text: (Lohff, 1971, p. 74).

In the bibliography: Lohff, W: (1971). Axis time. In J. Ritter, K. Gründer, and G. Gabriel (Eds.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie (Vol. 1) (pp. 74-75). Basel: Schwabe.


Electronic sources follow the same rules as printed ones. Always add URL and date of last access.


United Nations UNESCO (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Available at (02-11-2019).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • As part of the paper submission process, authors must verify that their submission meets all of the elements listed below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.
  • The paper has not been previously published or submitted for review in another journal (or a statement has been made in the notes to the editor).
  • The submission file is in docx, .doc, or .rtf format.
  • By submitting, I agree to the editorial policies of this journal and the principles of scientific publication ethics that it follows.
  • The text is free of tabs and bold highlighting. No custom styles have been used, only normal styles. All figures, numbers, and tables are in the places in the text where they are annotated, not at the end.
  • The text conforms to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements listed in the Publication Guidelines.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed rubric, instructions for ensuring anonymous peer review must be followed.




- Original articles:

Maximum length: 10000 words

The call for papers for this rubric is open and continuous.

Submissions received will be subject to the evaluation guidelines described under the heading "Peer Review Process."

Submissions for publication in the Articles section will be peer reviewed and must not contain personal elements. Please follow the instructions to Ensure anonymous peer review.


Maximum length: 10,000 words

The call for submissions for this section is open and continuous.

Translations are subject to the same quality guidelines as contributions to the Articles section; however, they are reviewed internally by an editor and a member of the Editorial Board or Scientific Advisory Board. They may also be prepared by members of the journal itself. In all cases, they are additionally evaluated by a specialist in the original language of the text.

Special contributions

Maximum length: 10,000 words

In exceptional cases, the editors and the Editorial Advisory Board may request contributions from profiled authors. These may be articles, essays or research reports, conferences, and/or academic papers appropriate to the purposes of the journal. Special contributions are subject to the same quality guidelines as contributions to the Articles section; however, review is conducted internally by one of the editors and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board or the Scientific Advisory Board.

Book Reviews

Maximum length: 3000 words

The call for submissions for this section is open and continuous.

Book reviews are subject to the same quality guidelines as articles, but they are reviewed internally by an editor and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board or Scientific Advisory Board.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.