Bemerkungen Zum Regelfolgen


  • Wolfgang Kuhlmann Centro Filosofico Internazionale Karl-Otto Apel


Transcendental pragmatics, universal pragmatics, constitution of rules, communication community


One of the most prominent theses of transcendental – and universal pragmatics, a thesis which in a sense marks the difference between old and new transcendental-philosophy is that reason is necessarily bound to language and to communication in a communication-community, that one subject alone, a subject conceived as totally independent of a communication-community, is not capable of rational achievements. This thesis is in particular is a presupposition of discourse–ethics and its founding. – The essayis an attempt to give an argument for this thesis. The argument exploits above all the fact, that achievements of reason are essentially institutional facts i.e. facts constituted by rules and not natural facts only.

Author Biography

  • Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Centro Filosofico Internazionale Karl-Otto Apel
    Schüler und Mitarbeiter von K.-O. Apel. Promotion 1975, und Habilitation 1985 in Frankfurt am Main. Geschäftsführer Forum für Philosophie Bad Homburg, 1985-1992. Universitätsprofessur in Erfurt (1992) und Aachen (1993-2005). Publikationen: Reflexion und kommunikative Erfahrung, Frankfurt am Main 1975, Reflexive Letztbegründung, Freiburg/München 1985. Kant und die Transzendentalpragmatik, Würzburg 1992, Sprachphilosophie-Hermeneutik-Ethik, Würzburg 1992, Beiträge zur Diskursethik, Würzburg 2007, Unhintergehbarkeit, Würzburg 2009. Es miembro del Comité Académico del Centro Filosofico Internazionale Karl-Otto Apel.







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