Postsecularism, religion and argumentative discourse. Deliberative democracy and the problem of the translation of religious discourse in the framework of Habermasian post-secularism


  • Marcelo Eduardo Bonyuan Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nº3 IFD3, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina


Habermas, Religión, Postsecularismo, Traducción, Democracia deliberativa


The most recent stage of intellectual work of the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas is characterized by an important interest in the role of religion in the contemporary world. Contrary to the secularist position adopted by him in a previous period of his intellectual career, referred to the critique of religions understood as ideology, Habermas delves into the analysis of what he understands as a post-secularist global context. From this point of view, the question of religion is resignified positively considering its absolute relevance for the processes of construction of a deliberative democracy in the full sense. In this regard, Habermas recognizes as an essential part of a formal model of postsecular deliberative democracy, the need for a translation of the semantic contents of religious discourse, in the field of the possibility of being housed in an argumentation at the public level. There are here many of the critic against Habermasian position. In this regard, this paper explores the relevance and problems derived from the Habermasian articulation between the ideas of postsecularism, translation of religious discourse and deliberative democracy.

Author Biography

  • Marcelo Eduardo Bonyuan, Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nº3 IFD3, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina
    Profesor y Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Córdoba – Argentina). Doctorando en Filosofía -Universidad Nacional de Lanús -. Miembro de la “Red Internacional de Ética del discurso”. Miembro de la fundación ICALA (Intercambio Cultural Alemán –Latinoamericano). Docente en el IFD3 (Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nº3), San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén. Antecedentes en investigación: Beca de investigación SECYT -UNRC-. Beca de investigación -tipo I y II- CONICET. Expositor y moderador de grupos de trabajo en diversas jornadas y coloquios nacionales e internacionales. Área de estudio: Ética y Filosofía del lenguaje.


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How to Cite

Postsecularism, religion and argumentative discourse. Deliberative democracy and the problem of the translation of religious discourse in the framework of Habermasian post-secularism. (2020). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 4(1), 73-84.