Beyond the Aporias of Proceduralism

Towards an Axiological Integration of Discourse Ethics


  • Linda Lovelli Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main


Value-particularism; Norm-universalism; Thin theory of the good; Rational agency; Value of humanity.


The aim of this paper is to highlight the limits of discourse ethics’ self-interpretation in procedural terms, by suggesting an integration of Karl-Otto Apel and Jürgen Habermas’ moral theories with the intention to justify and articulate a thin conception of the good, which would make it both possible to guide and to ground the process of discursive justification of moral norms. I will propose first of all, following some authoritative voices in the debate, an immanent critique of Habermas’ thesis of the compatibility of norm-(or moral-)universalism and value-(or ethical-)particularism, arguing for the necessity of some form of ethical universalism. In this way it will be possible to provide a universal conception of the good that is both sufficiently formal to be universally accepted and sufficiently substantial to give an orientation to human action. I will argue, following a suggestion from Charles Taylor, that such a theory of the good could be found by reflecting on the tacit presuppositions of discourse ethics itself, and justified through a radicalisation of Apel’s ultimate foundation. Such a radicalisation consists in using Apel’s transcendental-pragmatic way of arguing in order to justify the value of human existence as a rational form of life. In light of this, and following some hints made by Habermas himself as well as by Christine Korsgaard, I will try to sketch a conception of the highest good that could explain what a worthy or good life consists in, focusing on the role played in it by the exercise of practical reason.


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Sektion Artikel


Beyond the Aporias of Proceduralism: Towards an Axiological Integration of Discourse Ethics. (2021). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 6, 1-27.