The semiotic paradigm of philosophy in the context of the contemporary debate on the realistic and iconic turn



Transcendental semiotics, Realistic turn, Iconic turn, Apel


The purpose of the article is to situate the description of transcendental semiotics as a paradigm of first philosophy in the contemporary philosophical context, more precisely within the framework of the current discussion about the realistic and iconic turn of philosophy. This location of transcendental semiotics pursues the aim of reflecting specifically on a presupposition of this paradigm: the mediation of linguistic signs in human experience. That is, to test the fundamental affirmation of transcendental semiotics that the linguistic sign is the primary concept from which a semiotic theory is constructed. The work presents, in the first place, the way in which K.-O. Apel conceives the semiotic paradigm of philosophy. Secondly, it exposes the theoretical challenges imposed on it by contemporary semiotics, the iconic and realistic turn of philosophy. And finally, as a conclusion, it points out the concepts that the ontology of Heidegger's work of art can be useful for an expansion of the semiotic model.

Author Biography

  • Adrián Bertorello, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TécnicasUniversidad Nacional de San MartínUniversidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Doctor in Philosophy and Master in Discourse Analysis from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Regular Professor of Philosophical Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UBA. Regular Adjunct Professor of Introduction to Philosophy in the philosophy career of the School of Humanities of the National University of San Martín. "Independent" Researcher of the Scientific Researcher Career of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) at the Center for Philosophical Studies "Eugenio Pucciarelli" of the National Academy of Sciences of Buenos Aires. Category I researcher at the UBA of the Incentive Program of the Ministry of Education. Author of the books The abyss of the mirror. The narrative structure of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger (2013, Edulp) and The limit of language. Heidegger's philosophy as a theory of enunciation (2008, Ed. Biblos). Editor of Studia Heideggeriana Vol. VII. "Time and Space" (2018, Ed. Theseus), Studia Heideggeriana Vol III. "Heidegger and the problem of the method of philosophy" (2014, Ed. Teseo) and numerous articles and monographs in which he develops a semiotic reading of Heidegger's thought.


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How to Cite

The semiotic paradigm of philosophy in the context of the contemporary debate on the realistic and iconic turn. (2020). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 5, 1-16.