Immanent criticism and ideology. Normativity at the heart of a the renewal of a project
Criticism of ideologies, Frankfurt School, NormativityAbstract
The aim of this paper is to address how a project of ideological criticism can be understood in a context that is different from the one that used to frame research in this field in the 1960s and 1970s and which seems to have fallen into disuse. Taking up certain features of Hegelian Marxism from the Frankfurt School, the aim is to demarcate a possible scope for the return of a critical exercise of ideological systems and apparatuses. The idea that it is tried to defend is that the critique of ideology understood in the way of an immanent criticism can be a form to revitalize this procedure in a scenario of deflationary conceptions of truth, reality and science. Anyway, this critical exercise cannot be understood in a "non-normative" way, because there is the risk of being conceived in a merely socio-anthropological way and therefore apologetic of domination relations.
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