Discursive Simmetry and Practical Responsibility


  • Alberto Mario Damiani National University of Rosario, Argentina.


Discursive interlocutor, discursive symmetry, practical responsibility


The aim of this work is to examine the link between the equality of rights
and duties of discursive interlocutors and the responsibility that worldlife agents
silently atribute to themselves in relation to the actions they perform. In order to
this, we start indicating the inconvenients of assimilating the already mentioned
equality with a formal rule of justice (1). Then, it is said that the discourse
depends on certain necessary conditions, among them the discursive symmetry
principle, which establishes the equality of rights and duties of the participants. 

The need of this principle can be brought to evidence when the difficulties
contained in the attempts of rejecting and deducing it are noted (2). Hereafter,
and taking into consideration that the coordination of social interaction seems to
work with independence of practical discourse, it is stated that the principle of
discursive symmetry can be used as a criteria to evaluate strategic actions and
institutional forms (3). At last, it is sustained that the notion of responsibility
contains implicitly an indicator criterion of the practical scope of the principle of
discursive symmetry.

Author Biography

  • Alberto Mario Damiani, National University of Rosario, Argentina.
    Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires. Habilitation für Philosophie by the Freie Universität Berlin. Full Professor (regular) of the National University of Rosario. Researcher at CONICET. Gastprofessor at the FU Berlin. Alumni of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He is part of the Editorial Committee of the journals Cuadernos sobre Vico and Deus mortalis. Notebook of political philosophy and Notebooks of ethics. He is a member of the Academic Committee of the Centro Filosofico Internazionale Karl-Otto Apel. Publications: Handlungswissen. Eine transzendentale Erkundung nach der sprachpragmatischen Wende; Giambattista Vico: anti-Cartesian science; Ethics and conflict (together with Ricardo Maliandi and Guillermo Lariguet).


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How to Cite

Discursive Simmetry and Practical Responsibility. (2020). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 1(1), 69-88. https://qellqasqa.com.ar/ojs/index.php/eyd/article/view/403