Regulations and social evolution. The Logics of Historical Development as the Foundation of Criticism
Normativity, Social evolution, Amy Allen, Habermas, Honneth.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss some of the ideas that Amy Allen
develops in her recent book The End of Progress. However, the discussion of this
Leandro Paolicchi book is also a good reason to discuss a set of arguments that are being used against the last generations of the Frankfurt School, as well as against other thinkers from Marxism. According to Allen's perspective, the tradition of social theory developed by this current remains tied, at the moment of grounding its critical point of view of a certain Eurocentric vision of history. In this article we try to indicate, first, that specific attention should be given to the type of intellectua enterprise that characterizes the theoretical efforts of Habermas and Honneth and thus the historical discussions should be differentiated from the normative ones. Then, if you follow a certain methodology of the Hegelian Marxism of Frankfurt and pay attention to the normative claims of the social movements that take place in the public sphere of many of our countries what is at the center of their normative claims are rights of modern type.
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