Politics and Religion in Habermas. Critical Reflections from the Theory of Discourse


  • Santiago Prono Universidad Nacional del Litoral – CONICET


Discurso, Religión, Postsecularismo, Democracia deliberativa, Habermas, Discourse, Religion, Postsecularism, Deliberative Democracy


In this work is analyzed, from a critic point of view, the position of Habermas around his current recognition of the possible contributions of religions to the rule of law. It argues that such position does not involve contradiction with the presupposition of deliberative democracy, or affect the epistemic quality of their decision process. But precisely because of this reason, the thesis to defend holds that, in view of the demanding requirements that the philosopher establishes for the participation of the religious citizens in the political area, such a recognition actually does not turn out to be so significant as the philosopher presents it, since it establishes as condition to the possible contributions of such citizens, that they accept the normative implications of the argumentative discourse, which assure the cognitive value of the decision–making process of the deliberative politics. The result of consider these requirements, is that the contributions to politics based on faith are only admissible if they are not presented as such.

Author Biography

  • Santiago Prono, Universidad Nacional del Litoral – CONICET
    Doctor en Filosofía (UBA); docente-investigador de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral e investigador del CONICET. Sus principales líneas de investigación son la teoría ética, jurídica y política contemporáneas, fundamentalmente, desde el punto de vista de la teoría del discurso de J. Habermas y K.-O. Apel.


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How to Cite

Politics and Religion in Habermas. Critical Reflections from the Theory of Discourse. (2016). Estudios De Filosofía Práctica E Historia De Las Ideas, 18, 1-17. http://qellqasqa.com.ar/ojs/index.php/estudios/article/view/137