Justice and Empathy: difficulties and proposals


  • Luciana Samamé CONICET– CIJS– Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Jurisprudencia de la virtud, Virtudes judiciales, Emociones, Justicia, Imparcialidad, Virtue Jurisprudence, Judicial Virtues, Emotions, Justice, Impartiality.


In this paper I will be offering a critique on recent thought about an issue within the domain of Virtue–Jurisprudence which establishes a close connection between the concepts of empathy and justice. According to this idea, a judge´s ability to impart justice is dependent on whether or not she possesses empathy. Both Michael Slote and John Deigh defend this opinion, though in different ways. Nevertheless, I think both positions are subject to criticisms. Even when it seems appropriate to incorporate a reflection on emotions within the judicial realm, it does not seem correct to incorporate the concept of empathy. I will attempt to offer reasons why this is so. After addressing these criticisms, I will suggest what could count as a promissory way of incorporating emotions in the legal sphere.

Author Biography

  • Luciana Samamé, CONICET– CIJS– Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Licenciada y Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Becaria posdoctoral CONICET. Miembro del Programa de Ética y Teoría Política (Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).


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How to Cite

Justice and Empathy: difficulties and proposals. (2016). Estudios De Filosofía Práctica E Historia De Las Ideas, 18, 1-12. http://qellqasqa.com.ar/ojs/index.php/estudios/article/view/203