Existence and Interculturality
Existencia, Interculturalidad, Diversidad, Pensar interlógico, Comunidad, Existence, Interculturality, Diversity, Inter-logic thought, Community.Abstract
Amid the constant reconsideration of basic notions such as “existence” by philosophy and human sciences, an intercultural proposal will give a better response to the demands of contemporary societies, which are crossed by different historical-cultural centers and by the common phenomenon of social movements claiming for their own rights. Such proposal is conceived as “an odyssey of freedom” (as P. Ricoeuraccurately expresses, 1993: 70), since it pursues the hard path of freedom—as possibility to be—towards his own realization and regarding his own and others’ acknowledgement in the community and political sphere, not forgetting the good relationship with nature and the cosmos (ecological requirements) and with what transcends each reality, as a shelter of infinity in the artistic and religious field. It is then noticed that the path to freedom undergoes all kinds of difficulties.
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