A journey through posthuman landscapes: from high tech transhumans to an posthumanism anantrhropic.
An invitation to reimagine the future of the XXI century
(Hu)man, techniques, transhumanism, posthumanism, imaginationAbstract
In this article we propose a journey through the debates surrounding the posthuman. If the epistemic figure of Man inhabited the world of Western scientific modernity, we are witnessing, in the 21st century, a reconfiguration of that figure and that world. Rosi Braidotti (2015) states that our space-time is marked by the posthuman condition, and thinkers such as Haraway, Latour, Max More, Andres Vaccari and many others, find a gateway to understand and elucidate it in a reflection that starts from the question of the role and status of the techniques and technologies that for decades have completely reconfigured the landscapes through which we transit and move towards a Future, which, we are told, shines in the litmus of intelligent machines and silicon bodies. But other divergent worlds emerge in these landscapes where the human is decentered and other existents re-emerge to dispute the images of the high-tech future. To unravel these and other questions we will devote ourselves in the following pages.
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