Diskurs, phronesis e urteilskraft: quale rapporto? Etica del discorso e neo‐aristotelismo in dialogo


  • Linda Lovelli Università degli Studi G. D'Annunzio


Practical discourse, Phronesis, Judgment, Foundations, Application


The aim of this paper is to show that the model of practical rationality focused on rational argumentation, developed by discourse ethics, and the one based on phronesis, defended by neo-aristotelian ethics, are not alternative, but complementary. Phronesis, seen as the capacity of orienting oneself by acting without a predetermined hierarchy of criteria a priori, is in my view already operating in practical discourse, seen as medium of the foundations of norms. Its role should not be restricted to the moment of application, as Habermas did because of his reducing concept of phronesis and of his sharp distinction, in my view untenable, between foundations’ and application’s discourses. My proposal, however, is not aimed to weaken the foundations’ strategy of discourse ethics, which I rather defend in the strong Apel’s version. My remarks are focused only on the “second level” of discourse ethics, the one of the foundations of norms through practical discourse, which already presupposes the universal moral principles grounded in a transcendental way. The proposed approach is however not incompatible at all with the Kantian perspective, which is the model of discourse ethics: I will try to show that Kant’s reflections on judgment, despite not directly related to the moral domain, can offer some sparks for our aims and that discourse ethics, if partially reformulated in the suggested direction, is able to develop them coherently in a moral sense because of the formulation of the principle (U), which asks to consider the consequences of norms by their foundations.

Author Biography

  • Linda Lovelli, Università degli Studi G. D'Annunzio
    Doctora en "Ciencias Humanas" (plan de estudios filosóficos) en la "Università degli Studi G. D'Annunzio" (Chieti) en colaboración con la Universität Witten/Herdecke (Alemania). Título de la tesis: "¿Por qué ser moral? Estrategias de fundación: K.-O. Apel y J. Habermas en comparación con C. Taylor"; Master en Metodologías Filosóficas en la "Universidad de Génova" (Erasmus en la "Technische Universität zu Berlin"). Licenciatura en Filosofía en la "Universidad de Génova".


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How to Cite

Diskurs, phronesis e urteilskraft: quale rapporto? Etica del discorso e neo‐aristotelismo in dialogo. (2020). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 3(1), 5-33. http://qellqasqa.com.ar/ojs/index.php/eyd/article/view/435