The Challenge of Individuality in Contemporary Democracies

A possible Articulation between Decolonial Theory, Critical Theory and Pragmatism



Pragmatism, Critical Theory, Decolonial Theory, Democracy, Individual


This paper aims to respond to three problems facing democracies today. On the one hand, (1) the problem of legitimacy given the strong criticism of its usefulness that it has received from different areas of political theory. On the other hand, (2) the problem of democracy's ability to realize emancipatory political projects. To answer these questions, three variants of the theory of radical democracy will be used: that of the decolonial philosopher Castro-Gómez, that of the critical theorist Axel Honneth, and that of the pragmatist John Dewey. Each of them proposes valuable elements for the formulation of an alternative theory of democracy to the liberal-procedural model, but only the last can provide an adequate answer to a third (3) problem: that of the individual and his or her connection with the community. Without an adequate response to this problem, it will not be possible to counter the advance of the extreme right with its ideal of individual freedom, which is so widespread in Latin American countries. This paper thus proposes a possible articulation between decolonial theory, critical theory, and pragmatism to confront the difficulties that democracies currently find themselves in.

Author Biography

  • Germán David Arroyo, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina

    Germán David Arroyo es licenciado en Filosofía y doctorando en Filosofía por la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Es becario inicial del Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (FONCyT), con lugar de trabajo en la Universidad Católica de Córdoba (UCC), en el marco del proyecto de investigación "Praxis, experimentalismo, aprendizaje y democracia: hacia una reevaluación de diversas raíces teóricas de la filosofía de la educación contemporánea" (PICT 2020 serie A 1539). Ha sido profesor invitado en seminarios interdisciplinarios del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la UNC, y es adscripto de Ética 2 (niversidad Nacional de Córdoba) y del Seminario de corrientes del pensamiento contemporáneo (UCC).


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How to Cite

The Challenge of Individuality in Contemporary Democracies: A possible Articulation between Decolonial Theory, Critical Theory and Pragmatism. (2024). Revista Ética Y Discurso, 9.