Praxis in the light of a formal pragmatics. The reason and the idea of a complete language
Pragmatics, Language, Meaning, Praxis, CriticAbstract
The starting point of this work is the idea that discourse is not just a language game like any other, but the condition of possibility of the appearance of meaning in every thought and every action. This notion, which is at the center of the transcendental critic of meaning of the transcendental pragmatics, but also in other present-day theories, has been emphasized on numerous occasions by Apel himself and his disciples. However, what is sought to highlight here is the possibility of giving, from this concept, an explanatory framework to a series of central terms to contemporary social theory, such as "observer" and "actor", but also "reflexivity and "critic". Finally, the notions of transcendental critic of meaning and complete language allow us to see clearly the deep connection with Kant's thought that still exists in the development of the expanded projects of reconstructive pragmaticsReferences
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