The farewell body: aesthetics of sickness and torture in finisecular Chile


  • Marcela Croce Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios e Investigaciones de América Latina, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA)


Estudios queer, Estética marginal, Performances Gore, Crónicas y nouvelle, Queer Studies, Marginal Aesthetics, Chronicles and nouvelle.


“Body is always an inconvenient”, writes Susan Sontag on the conviction that it is an space of suffer rather than pleasure. The alternatives of illness trace a taxonomy in which the responsibility of the individual seems choice the organic failures. On the Chilean transvestites’ irresponsive and passionate behavior, Pedro Lemebel establishes in Loco afán a catalog of body degradation articulated with baroque language. AIDS’ effect in the 80 and 90 on marginal bodies is a “colonization by the contagion” that moves the torture imposed by Chilean military dictatorship since the 70 to the suburban chronicles that Roberto Bolaño makes performances gore in the discarnated narrative Estrella distante. There the gothic aspects of decadent corporality find a futurist formulation in which cruelty is encouraged. In complementarity and distortion of aesthetics, the body is disintegrated in a show combining the grotesque and the funeral.

Author Biography

  • Marcela Croce, Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios e Investigaciones de América Latina, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA)

    Profesora, licenciada y Doctora. en letras. Profesora Adjunta de la cátedra Problemas de Literatura Latinoamericana de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras – UBA. Directora de proyectos de investigación UBACyT. Ha publicado numerosos libros como autora y compiladora.



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Barthes, Roland. 1967. Système de la Mode. Paris: Seuil.

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Lemebel, Pedro. 1997. Loco afán. Santiago de Chile: LOM.

Lemebel, Pedro.2009. Loco afán. Crónicas de Sidario. Buenos Aires: Alfaguara (contiene crónicas adicionales y algunas diversas de las incluidas en la edición de LOM).

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How to Cite

The farewell body: aesthetics of sickness and torture in finisecular Chile. (2016). Estudios De Filosofía Práctica E Historia De Las Ideas, 18, 1-9.