Life in the (Assisted Reproduction) Laboratory
Notes for a Posthuman Reflection on in vitro Embryos
Assisted reproduction, embryo, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, posthuman studies, ArgentinaAbstract
Looking through the eyes of posthuman theories, this article analyses a set of narratives offered by assisted reproduction practitioners regarding their daily work with in vitro embryos. The text aims to examine the ways in which the relationships held with embryos at the lab, as well as the descriptions that practitioners’ use to characterize them, allow to account for the embryo in terms of its ‘cyborg’ nature. That is to say, the article seeks to explore the inherence between the (in vitro) embryo, which is isolated and managed at the lab, and the sociotechnical devices that allow it to be produced as such. The interest of this conclusion lies close to recent debates held in Argentina and the region regarding the status of personhood of the human non implanted embryo.
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