Belonging and distancing: the place of Ricoeur in contemporary hermeneutics
Pertenencia, Distanciación, Ricoeur / Belonging, Distancing, Ricoeur.Abstract
The hermeneutics has been one of the most important philosophical movements in the last years. However, the heterogeneity of his followers makes it difficult to establish a unit in the contemporary hermeneutics. Ricoeur was one of the most important representatives of this philosophical line. In this paper I want to show how Ricoeur positioned himself in the contemporany hermeneutics. I focus my analysis in his attempt to combine the discovery of our “belonging” (the history, tradition) with our constitutive “distancing” of this belonging. Ricoeur found the “dialectical” relation between belonging–distanciation in the phenomenological concept: Lebenswelt. The “world of life” has an ontological and epistemological moment. From here, I place the ricoeurian hermeneutics in the core of the contemporary debate in hermeneutics: showing his originality.
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